Services We Offer

Speech Therapy

Speech requires a complicated process of pushing air through the lungs, past the vocal folds, which changes the sound much like a musical instrument, through the throat, nose, and mouth, which can move to change the quality of sounds made by an individual. Our lips, tongue, cheeks, nose, throat, teeth, jaw, and other organs can change the type of sounds that we make to produce speech. All of these organs work together to turn thoughts into sounds that can be heard and interpreted by someone else.  If there is weakness or rigidity in these organs, poor coordination, abnormal structures, and apraxia, among other things, this will affect the way that other people understand our words and thoughts.

Occupational Therapy

Pediatric Occupational therapy helps to improve a child’s participation in daily occupational tasks.
For a child, this can mean improving a child’s play skills, participation and/or independence with daily activities and routines, school performance, and appropriate interactions with others and their environment. Our therapists view, evaluate, and treat the child with a comprehensive and holistic approach. We strongly believe in using a child’s interests and motivations as a basis for improving function, participation, and independence. We utilize a comprehensive framework for improving function during evaluation and treatment. This may include helping with the integration of sensory systems, self-regulation skills, facilitation of developmental milestones, body strength, and function, age-appropriate motor skills, handwriting skills, visual motor and visual perceptual skills, motor planning and praxis, body awareness, and environment safety, bilateral coordination skills, and balance. Our therapists are licensed and nationally certified and will strive to help improve each child’s success and function.

Physical Therapy (Coming Soon)

Physical therapist work to improve gross motor skills, coordination, mobility and balance. Streangthing large muscle groups

Physical therapy is an opportunity to help children and their families correct progressive impairments, prevent further complications, and improve function.  Physical therapy is an important part of treatment for children with impairments and disabilities, and early treatment is essential to provide the most effective care and achieve the most successful outcomes.


Feeding Therapy

Our feeding therapists utilize their unique skill sets to assess the child’s needs through standardized evaluations, clinical observations, and parent interviews


Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) provides a tool for children to learn and expand their language, and allows them to communicate their wants and needs with family, friends, and their community. 


Visit Us

6270 N Government Way
Dalton Gardens, ID 83815

Just North of the Fairgrounds
Between Dalton & Hanley

Office Hours

Monday: 7am-6pm
Tuesday: 7am–6pm
Wednesday: 7am-6pm
Thursday: 7am–6pm

Contact Us

Phone: (208) 666-0611

Fax: (208) 664-0566


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